Life Vitality

Life Vitality

Cutting-edge biohacking
technologies - Unlocking your
bodies full potential

Our latest project allows users to experience a level of health and vitality that
they have not experienced since they were in their youth.

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Genes begin to reset in 24 hours
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Client Testimonials

What can Life Vitality do for you?

All health issues begin as an imbalance within the energy pathways of your body, called meridians.

We feel best when our energy flows in our meridians or energy pathways! If we’re sick, tired, moody, or in pain, it’s because we have a blockage in one or more of our meridians.
Phototherapy harnesses the healing power of light. By reflecting infrared light back into your body we are able to induce biochemical changes, just like SUNLIGHT triggers the body to make vitamin D.
These changes have the ability to support the body to heal naturally. Some of the fantastic benefits include reduced pain and inflammation, better sleep, more energy and clearer thinking.

Why activate your stem cells?

The Problem

By age 35, you have lost over half of your Stem Cell activity and by age 60, you will lose almost all of your Stem Cell activity.


Stem Cells are the repair cells of your body. The LESS Stem Cell activity you have - the Faster you Age and the Slower You Heal


A recent major scientific breakthrough in Stem Cell Technology activates your own stem cells and resets them to a younger, healthier state.


It costs less than a cup of coffee a day!

What you can expect

The First Few Days
4,000 Genes Begin to Reset

Within 24 hours the stem cell activation patch begins to reset 3,000-4,000 genes to a younger healthier state. People using the stem cell patches will experience an immediate effect through the elevation of antioxidants, a decrease in inflammation, and an increase in energy and joy.

~ Melinda H. Connors, DD, November 2020

Within 3-6 Months
Active Stem Cell Repair

The pluripotent stem cells turn into any cell your body needs for repair. Your stem cells are now actively creating deep healing in your body and repairing damage caused by the ageing process.

Within 1-3 Months
Physical Changes Occur

Activating your stem cells leads to an increase in collagen in the skin which decreases wrinkles and increases hair growth. Even if you don’t feel the effects, rest assured, the new stem cells may be regenerating an internal organ or tissue before repairing something you feel.

Within 6-12 Months
Reverse Aging

“In a recent study, 14 out of 15 people lowered their vascular age by an average of 8 years after just 6 months of using X39.”


– David Schmidt, CEO, Inventor of LifeWave 

Weekly Zoom Schedule

Monday – 5pm PST

Opportunity Meeting

Wednesday – 5pm PST

Opportunity Meeting

Thursday – 5pm PST

Opportunity Meeting

Friday – 9am PST

Opportunity Meeting

Saturday – 10am PST

Business Meeting

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